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Contract Addresses

Morpho Blue

Morpho Blue Markets

As a reminder, Morpho Blue has a permissionless market creation mechanism, where anyone can create a market with a different collateral token, borrowable token and oracle (IRM & LLTV are allowed by governance).

Such as Uniswap, you can be vulnerable to loss of funds if you use a random market where the oracle or the tokens involved in the market can be dumb. So, we recommend you use only the markets that are listed in the Morpho Interface.



MetaMorpho Vaults

Here is the list of all the MetaMorpho vaults created by the Factory, being a smart contract deploying immutable onchain instances of MetaMorpho vaults.

As a reminder, MetaMorpho has a permissionless vault creation mechanism (the factory), where anyone can create a vault.

Such as Uniswap, you can be vulnerable to loss of funds if the vault chosen to supply assets is not curated properly. So, we recommend you use only the vaults that are listed in the Morpho Interface.


Public Allocator



Incentives Distributions

Get the individual proofs of the distribution of the incentives on the following IPFS links:

UrdClaim ProofsHash

Morpho V1 Contracts Deployments

Tokenized Supply Vaults

Abi are different for Morpho AaveV2 Optimizer & Morpho CompoundV2 Optimizer vaults, and all the vaults are deployed on the Ethereum mainnet with 18 decimals. They are fully compliant with the ERC4626 standard.


The MORPHO token has 18 decimals.