How to wrap MORPHO
To ensure an easy and seamless migration from the Legacy MORPHO Token to the new MORPHO Token, a dedicated contract called Wrapper
has been deployed.
The wrapper will allow a 1:1 conversion of the legacy token to the new MORPHO token. So all the holders of the legacy token will be able to migrate all their MORPHO token.
Note that all MORPHO on Base will already be wrapped and transferability. Once claimed there are no additional actions required.
How to wrap the Legacy MORPHO token
On the Morpho interface
If you hold Legacy MORPHO token, just go to, connect your wallet holding the legacy tokens, and a banner will appear on top of the screen. This banner will allow you to migrate your Morpho Tokens.
Click on the Wrap
button at the top right of the Morpho interface.
Clicking on the Wrap
button will trigger a modal, showing your Legacy MORPHO token balance and proposing you to wrap it.
Then click on the Wrap MORPHO
button and it will trigger:
- A transaction to approve the bundler to wrap the Legacy MORPHO tokens.
- A transaction to wrap the Legacy MORPHO tokens into the wrapped MORPHO token.
At contract level
If you hold Legacy MORPHO tokens and want to migrate them onchain by yourself without going through the Morpho app, you can directly interact at contract level, using Etherscan for instance.
To do so, you will have to:
Connect your wallet to Etherscan.
Approve your Legacy MORPHO tokens to the wrapper. This can be done with the legacy token contract's
function, (the arguments should be the wrapper contract’s address and your amount of legacy tokens). E.g:- Wrapper address: 0x9D03bb2092270648d7480049d0E58d2FcF0E5123
- 1000000000000000000 for 1 Legacy MORPHO Token (18 decimals)
- Migrate your tokens on the wrapper by calling the wrapper contract’s
function (the arguments should be your address, or another address if you want another recipient for the migrated tokens, and your amount of legacy tokens).
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