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The content provided in this document is contributed by the community and is shared as examples. Morpho Association nor author of the repository cannot be held responsible for any losses or damages that may result from the use of this information. Users are advised to conduct their own research and exercise caution when applying any strategies or methods described herein.

Origami Oracle adapters:

By: TempleDAO

Languages and Tools: Solidity

Description: Origami Oracle Adapters are Chainlink-interface-compliant feeds to provide price data. These can be used within Origami Finance, Morpho Blue Oracles.

Repository: origami-oracle-adapters

LlamaRisk Oracle adapters:

By: LlamaRisk

Languages and Tools: Solidity

Description: More information here:

Repository: llama-risk/morpho-blue-oracles

Oval Oracle adapters:

By: Oval

Languages and Tools: Solidity

Description: This Oval contracts use Chainlink as source and destination and uses the Immutable controller to manage the Oval instance. more information here:

Repository: UMAprotocol/ChainlinkOvalBase