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Claim MORPHO Rewards

Learn how to claim rewards accrued through Morpho in a streamlined process. This can be accomplished off-chain through Etherscan, or programmatically using ethers.js. Detailed instructions are provided below šŸ‘‡.

Attention: Always verify addresses, APIs, and all related details meticulously.
In case of uncertainties, feel free to seek guidance on our Discord channel.


1. Direct Deposits into Main Contracts:ā€‹

As detailed in the tracking MORPHO reward section, initiate by querying the API to access comprehensive data:<YOUR_0x_ADDRESS>

  1. API Querying:

    Start by entering the required information into the API.

    APi response given a specific user.

  2. Contract Interaction on Etherscan:

Use the rewards distributor address (NĀ°1 on the picture), navigate to Etherscan and proceed to the contract's 'Write Contract' section.

  1. Data Entry:

Accurately fill in the _account, _claimable & _proof fields as demonstrated below:

  • _account: The address eligible to rewards.

  • _claimable (uint256): Input the amount from the args section of the API.

  • _proof: Enter the data without quotes ("), omitting spaces, and within brackets [...].

    Overview of the rewards distributor Write Contract section.

  1. Transaction Execution:

Finalize by writing and submitting the transaction.

2. Deposits into Morpho Optimizers ERC4626 Vaults:ā€‹

Applicable for all maTokens or mcTokens.

1. Claiming on Behalf of the Vault on the Main Rewards Distributor:ā€‹

Instead of using your personnal address, utilize the vault's address, which can be found in the following sections:
ma3WETH Addresses or mcTokens/maTokens Addresses.

Use the following API call, replacing <VAULT_0x_ADDRESS> with the appropriate vault address:<VAULT_0x_ADDRESS>

Example using the maUSDC vault:

API call response for maUSDC vault Claiming rewards for the vault

Note: 'Claiming on behalf' and 'transferRewards' are optional steps. They are necessary only if the vault's contract does not have sufficient MORPHO.

2. Transferring Rewards to the Vault's Rewards Distributor:ā€‹

This step is a straightforward execution of the transferRewards function on the vault's address (example below for maUSDC).

Transferring rewards to the vault

3. Finalizing with the Latest Distribution:ā€‹