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Track MORPHO Rewards

Learn how to track MORPHO rewards accrued on Morpho, offchain via the REST API.

MORPHO rewards are accrued by every user of the Morpho protocol and distributed through ages & epochs. Read more about ages & epochs here.

Anyone can, at anytime, query Morpho's API to get information about the MORPHO rewards accrued with a position on Morpho CompoundV2 Optimizer and Morpho AaveV2 Optimizer. Here are concrete examples 👇


The API will return the amount of MORPHO tokens accrued, including an estimation of the MORPHO rewards accrued through the current epoch's distribution.


"address": "0x6abfd6139c7c3cc270ee2ce132e309f59caaf6a2",
"timestamp": 1665565212,
"currentEpochProjectedRewards": "85972.665832785826082282",
"currentEpochRewards": "31041.125418821489334792",
"claimedRewards": "0.0",
"claimableSoon": "0.0",
"claimable": "136685.692014600164909445",
"totalRewardsEarned": "167726.817433421654244237",
"currentEpoch": {
"age": {
"ageName": "age2",
"startTimestamp": "1663686000",
"endTimestamp": "1672326000"
"epoch": {
"id": "age2-epoch1",
"epochName": "epoch1",
"snapshotBlock": 15575331,
"initialTimestamp": "1663686000",
"finalTimestamp": "1669302000",
"totalEmission": "3000000"
Return valueDescription
currentEpochProjectedRewardsThe amount of MORPHO tokens the user would accrued through the current epoch, if the state of the Morpho protocol was to be unchanged.
currentEpochRewardsThe amount of MORPHO tokens the user has already accrued through the current epoch.
claimedRewardsThe amount of MORPHO tokens the user has claimed until now.
claimableSoonThe amount of MORPHO tokens the user will soon be able to claim. Only used between the end of an epoch and the start of the next epoch.
claimableThe amount of MORPHO tokens already claimable by the user through the RewardsDistributor.
totalRewardsEarnedThe total amount of MORPHO tokens accrued by the user, claimed or not. This should always equal claimable + claimableSoon + currentEpochRewards + claimedRewards.