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Oracle Adapters


The content provided in this document is contributed by the community and is shared as examples. Morpho Association nor author of the repository cannot be held responsible for any losses or damages that may result from the use of this information. Users are advised to conduct their own research and exercise caution when applying any strategies or methods described herein.


By: TempleDAO

Languages and Tools: Solidity

Description: Origami Oracle Adapters are Chainlink-interface-compliant feeds to provide price data. These can be used within Origami Finance, Morpho Oracles.

Repository: origami-oracle-adapters


By: LlamaRisk

Languages and Tools: Solidity

Description: More information here:

Repository: llama-risk/tri-pool-lp-crvusd-oracle


By: Oval

Languages and Tools: Solidity

Description: Oval is an OEV recapture tool. Oval oracle adapters wrap oracle price feeds and output Chainlink-interface-compliant prices. Oval can easily be deployed via factory contract for Morpho markets following this tutorial:

Repository: UMAprotocol/oval-contracts


By: Horace

Languages and Tools: Solidity

Description: This project provides two key components for Pendle Principal Token (PT) price feeds:

  1. A PT Oracle Price Adapter that wraps Pendle's PT oracle to make it compatible with Chainlink's AggregatorV3 interface, which is required by Morpho oracles
  2. A factory contract for easy deployment of both the PT Oracle Price Adapter and Pendle's SparkLinearDiscountOracle

These oracle instances can be used as base or quote feeds with the MorphoChainlinkOracleV2Factory.

Repository: horacepan/pendle-adapter-factory


By: chiaki644

Languages and Tools: Solidity

Description: This adapter supports all f(x) protocol tokens, including fxUSD, rUSD, btcUSD, fETH, xETH, xstETH, xfrxETH, xezETH, xeETH, xWBTC. The token addresses can be found in the f(x) protocol deployments.

Repository: AladdinDAO/fxusd-adapter

sfrxETH-frxETH Exchange Rate

By: Horace

Languages and Tools: Solidity

Description: A Chainlink-interface-compliant oracle adapter for the sfrxETH-frxETH exchange rate. This adapter follows the same pattern as the wstETH-stETH exchange rate adapter, but calculates the exchange rate using the pricePerShare function instead of getPooledEthByShares.

Repository: horacepan/sfrxeth-exchange-rate-adapter

Other Exchange Rates

By: frontier159

Languages and Tools: Solidity

Description: A collection of Chainlink-interface-compliant oracle adapters for various Liquid Staking Token (LST) and Liquid Restaking Token (LRT) exchange rates against ETH. Supports ezETH (Renzo), rsETH (Kelp), swETH (Swell LST), rswETH (Swell LRT), and weETH (

Repository: frontier159/lrt-oracles