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Oracles are contracts that can be used as oracles for markets on Morpho (formerly known as Morpho Blue). The oracles implement the IOracle interface defined in IOracle.sol.

They return the price of 1 asset of collateral token quoted in 1 asset of loan token.


function price() external view returns (uint256);

Returns the price of 1 asset of collateral token quoted in 1 asset of loan token, scaled by 1e36.

  • It corresponds to the price of 10**(collateral token decimals) assets of collateral token quoted in 10 **(loan token decimals) assets of loan token with 36 + loan token decimals - collateral token decimals decimals of precision.

Return values:

priceuint256The price rate of 1 asset of collateral token quoted in 1 asset of loan token (scaled by 1e36).