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Oracle deployment for Morpho markets

  1. To deploy a MorphoChainlinkOracleV2 on Ethereum or any network, use the MorphoChainlinkOracleV2Factory to create a new oracle.

  2. The MorphoChainlinkOracleV2Factory is functioning for any feeds that is respecting the Chainlink interface. The SCALE_FACTOR variable and price() function existing in the MorphoChainlinkOracleV2 are automatically computed at the creation via the factory.

  3. For custom oracles it is easier to implement the custom feeds and use the factory directly.

1. Jump on the oracle factory contract

See the address section.

E.g: Ethereum mainnet address is 0x3A7bB36Ee3f3eE32A60e9f2b33c1e5f2E83ad766

2. Fill all attributes

On the createMorphoChainlinkOracleV2 function :

  • baseVault: The ERC4626 token vault for the base asset.

  • baseVaultConversionSample: A sample amount for converting base vault units.

  • baseFeed1, baseFeed2: Chainlink-interface-compliant data feeds for the base asset.

  • baseTokenDecimals: Decimal precision of the base asset. See the note below for more information.

  • quoteVault: The ERC4626 token vault for the quote asset.

  • quoteVaultConversionSample: A sample amount for converting quote vault units.

  • quoteFeed1, quoteFeed2: Chainlink-interface-compliant data feeds for the quote asset.

  • quoteTokenDecimals: Decimal precision of the quote asset. See the note below for more information.

  • salt: A unique identifier to create deterministic addresses for deployed oracles.

    • If there is an ERC4626-compliant vault for baseVault or quoteVault, the baseTokenDecimals or quoteTokenDecimals are still the decimals of the asset in the vault, and not the decimals of the Vault asset. E.g: for a Morpho WETH vault, as baseVault, the baseTokenDecimals is 18 as WETH has 18 decimals.
    • It is encouraged to use 0x for the salt value at creation time. Note that if an oracle with the same parameters has already been deployed, the transaction will revert. If that's the case, it's recommended do use the deployed oracle. Do not hesitate to reach out on discord to get the address.

1. WETH/USDT oracle

- `baseVault`: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
- `baseVaultConversionSample`: 1,
- `baseFeed1`: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
- `baseFeed2`: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
- `baseTokenDecimals`: 18,
- `quoteVault`:"0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
- `quoteVaultConversionSample`: 1,
- `quoteFeed1`: "0xEe9F2375b4bdF6387aa8265dD4FB8F16512A1d46",
- `quoteFeed2`: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
- `quoteTokenDecimals`: 6,
- `salt`: "0x",

2. sDAI/USDC oracle

- `baseVault`: "0x83F20F44975D03b1b09e64809B757c47f942BEeA",
- `baseVaultConversionSample`: 1000000000000000000, // 1e18
- `baseFeed1`: "0xAed0c38402a5d19df6E4c03F4E2DceD6e29c1ee9",
- `baseFeed2`: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
- `baseTokenDecimals`: 18,
- `quoteVault`: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
- `quoteVaultConversionSample`: 1,
- `quoteFeed1`: "0x8fFfFfd4AfB6115b954Bd326cbe7B4BA576818f6",
- `quoteFeed2`: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
- `quoteTokenDecimals`: 6,
- `salt`: "0x",

3. wstETH/ETH oracle

As stated in this section, the WstEthStEthExchangeRateChainlinkAdapter provides the exchange rate between wstETH and stETH as a Chainlink-interface-compliant feed.

This adapter is deployed on Ethereum Mainnet at the address 0x905b7dAbCD3Ce6B792D874e303D336424Cdb1421.

- `baseVault`: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
- `baseVaultConversionSample`: 1,
- `baseFeed1`: "0x905b7dAbCD3Ce6B792D874e303D336424Cdb1421",
- `baseFeed2`: "0x86392dC19c0b719886221c78AB11eb8Cf5c52812",
- `baseTokenDecimals`: 18,
- `quoteVault`: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
- `quoteVaultConversionSample`: 1,
- `quoteFeed1`: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
- `quoteFeed2`: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
- `quoteTokenDecimals`: 18,
- `salt`: "0x",

3. Sign the transaction

You are done.