Morpho Vaults
Entrypoint for the Morpho Vaults
Those following 3 elements are defined in the Morpho related section.
struct, -
struct, -
of markets.
Also we have:
struct MarketAllocation {
MarketParams marketParams;
uint256 assets;
Name | Type | Description |
marketParams | MarketParams | The market to allocate funds to. |
assets | uint256 | The amount of assets to allocate. |
External Functions
function deposit(uint256 assets, address receiver) public override returns (uint256 shares) {}
Deposits assets
of underlying token into the vault to mint vault shares to receiver
Name | Type | Description |
assets | uint256 | The quantity of asset to deposit. |
receiver | address | The address that will own the position on the vault. |
Return Values:
Name | Type | Description |
shares | uint256 | The amount of vault shares minted. |
function mint(uint256 shares, address receiver) public override returns (uint256 assets) {}
Mints exactly shares
vault shares to receiver by depositing underlying tokens into the vault.
Name | Type | Description |
shares | uint256 | The quantity of shares to mint. |
receiver | address | The address that will own the position on the vault. |
Return Values:
Name | Type | Description |
assets | uint256 | The amount of underlying token deposited. |
function withdraw(uint256 assets, address receiver, address owner) public override returns (uint256 shares) {}
Withdraws assets
of underlying token by burning vault shares of owner
, and sends the withdrawn assets to receiver
must be authorized to manage owner
's vault balance.
Name | Type | Description |
assets | uint256 | The quantity of asset to withdraw. |
receiver | address | The address that will receive the withdrawn assets. |
owner | address | The address that will see its position burnt of the amount of assets. |
Return Values:
Name | Type | Description |
shares | uint256 | The amount of shares burned. |
function redeem(uint256 shares, address receiver, address owner) public override returns (uint256 assets) {}
Burns exactly shares
vault shares from owner
and sends the withdrawn assets of underlying tokens to receiver
must be authorized to manage owner
's vault balance.
Name | Type | Description |
shares | uint256 | The quantity of shares to burn. |
receiver | address | The address that will receive the minted shares. |
owner | address | The address that will see its position burnt of the amount of shares. |
Return Values:
Name | Type | Description |
assets | uint256 | The amount of underlying token withdrawn. |
function acceptTimelock() external;
Accepts the pending timelock.
This function is timelocked, which means timelock
must have passed since the pending timelock submission for this function to be successfully called.
function acceptGuardian() external afterTimelock(pendingGuardian.validAt) {}
Accepts the pending guardian.
This function is timelocked, which means timelock
must have passed since the pending guardian submission for this function to be successfully called.
function acceptCap(MarketParams memory marketParams) external;
Accepts the pending cap of the market defined by marketParams
This function is timelocked, which means timelock
must have passed since the pending cap submission for this function to be successfully called.
Name | Type | Description |
id | Id | The id of the market to accept the cap. |
function skim(address token) external {}
Skims the vault token
balance to skimRecipient
Name | Type | Description |
token | address | The address of the token to skim the balance of. |
The following functions are inheriting the IERC4626 interface
OnlyOwner Functions
setName (v1.1)
function setName(string memory newName) external onlyOwner {}
Sets the vault's name to newName
Name | Type | Description |
newName | string | The new name of the vault |
setSymbol (v1.1)
function setSymbol(string memory newSymbol) external onlyOwner {}
Sets the vault's symbol to newSymbol
Name | Type | Description |
newSymbol | string | The new symbol of the vault |
function setCurator(address newCurator) external onlyOwner {};
Sets curator
to newCurator
Name | Type | Description |
newCurator | address | The address of the new curator. |
function setIsAllocator(address newAllocator, bool newIsAllocator) external onlyOwner {};
Sets newAllocator
as an allocator or not (newIsAllocator
Name | Type | Description |
newAllocator | address | The address of the new allocator. |
newIsAllocator | bool | A boolean (true or false) indicating if the address is an allocator or not. |
function setSkimRecipient(address newSkimRecipient) external onlyOwner {};
Sets skimRecipient
to newSkimRecipient
Name | Type | Description |
newSkimRecipient | address | The address of the new recipient parameters. |
function submitTimelock(uint256 newTimelock) external onlyOwner {};
Submits a newTimelock
Warning: Reverts if a timelock is already pending. Revoke the pending timelock to overwrite it.
In case the new timelock is higher than the current one, the timelock is set immediately.
Name | Type | Description |
newTimelock | uint256 | The value of the new timelock (in seconds). |
function setFee(uint256 newFee) external onlyOwner {};
Sets the fee
to newFee
Name | Type | Description |
newFee | uint256 | The value of the new fee scaled in wad. |
function setFeeRecipient(address newFeeRecipient) external onlyOwner {};
Sets feeRecipient
to newFeeRecipient
Name | Type | Description |
newFeeRecipient | address | The address of the new fee recipient. |
function submitGuardian(address newGuardian) external onlyOwner {};
Submits a newGuardian
Warning: a malicious guardian could disrupt the vault's operation, and would have the power to revoke any pending guardian.
In case there is no guardian, the gardian is set immediately.
Warning: Submitting a gardian will overwrite the current pending gardian.
Name | Type | Description |
newGuardian | address | The address of the new guardian. |
onlyCuratorRole Functions
Note that owner and curator has the onlyCuratorRole
function submitCap(MarketParams memory marketParams, uint256 newSupplyCap) external onlyCuratorRole {};
Submits a newSupplyCap
for the market defined by marketParams
Warning: Reverts if a cap is already pending. Revoke the pending cap to overwrite it.
Warning: Reverts if a market removal is pending.
In case the new cap is lower than the current one, the cap is set immediately.
Name | Type | Description |
marketParams | MarketParams | The market parameters. |
newSupplyCap | uint256 | The new supply cap in underlying units. |
function submitMarketRemoval(Id id) external onlyCuratorRole {};
Submits a forced market removal from the vault, eventually losing all funds supplied to the market.
Funds can be recovered by enabling this market again and withdrawing from it (using
), but funds will be distributed pro-rata to the shares at the time of withdrawal, not at the time of removal. -
This forced removal is expected to be used as an emergency process in case a market constantly reverts. To softly remove a sane market, the curator role is expected to bundle a reallocation that empties the market first (using
), followed by the removal of the market (usingupdateWithdrawQueue
). -
Warning: Removing a market with non-zero supply will instantly impact the vault's price per share.
Warning: Reverts for non-zero cap or if there is a pending cap. Successfully submitting a zero cap will prevent such reverts.
Name | Type | Description |
marketParams | MarketParams | The market parameters. |
onlyAllocatorRole Functions
Note that owner, curator and an address that has been set as an allocator has the onlyAllocatorRole
function setSupplyQueue(Id[] calldata newSupplyQueue) external onlyAllocatorRole {};
Sets supplyQueue
to newSupplyQueue
Name | Type | Description |
newSupplyQueue | Id [ ] | newSupplyQueue is an array of enabled markets, and can contain duplicate markets, but it would only increase the cost of depositing to the vault. |
function updateWithdrawQueue(uint256[] calldata indexes) external onlyAllocatorRole {};
Updates the withdraw queue. Some markets can be removed, but no market can be added.
Removing a market requires the vault to have 0 supply on it, or to have previously submitted a removal for this market (with the function
). -
Warning: Anyone can supply on behalf of the vault so the call to
that expects a market to be empty can be griefed by a front-run. To circumvent this, the allocator can simply bundle a reallocation that withdraws max from this market with a call toupdateWithdrawQueue
. -
Warning: Removing a market with supply will decrease the fee accrued until one of the functions updating
is triggered (deposit/mint/withdraw/redeem/setFee/setFeeRecipient). -
is not idempotent. Submitting twice the same tx will change the queue twice.
Name | Type | Description |
indexes | uint256 [ ] | The indexes of each market in the previous withdraw queue, in the new withdraw queue's order. |
function reallocate(MarketAllocation[] calldata allocations) external onlyAllocatorRole {};
Reallocates the vault's liquidity so as to reach a given allocation of assets on each given market.
The allocator can withdraw from any market, even if it's not in the withdraw queue, as long as the loan token of the market is the same as the vault's asset.
The behavior of the reallocation can be altered by state changes, including:
- Deposits on the vault that supplies to markets that are expected to be supplied to during reallocation.
- Withdrawals from the vault that withdraws from markets that are expected to be withdrawn from during reallocation.
- Donations to the vault on markets that are expected to be supplied to during reallocation.
- Withdrawals from markets that are expected to be withdrawn from during reallocation.
Sender is expected to pass
assets = type(uint256).max
with the last MarketAllocation ofallocations
to supply all the remaining withdrawn liquidity, which would ensure thattotalWithdrawn
Name | Type | Description |
allocations | MarketAllocation | The respective allocations in each market chosen. |
onlyGuardianRole Functions
Note that owner and guardian has the onlyAllocatorRole
function revokePendingTimelock() external onlyGuardianRole {};
Revokes the pending timelock.
- Does not revert if there is no pending timelock.
function revokePendingGuardian() external onlyGuardianRole {};
Revokes the pending guardian.
onlyCuratorOrGuardianRole Functions
Note that owner, curator and guardian has the onlyAllocatorRole
function revokePendingCap(Id id) external onlyCuratorOrGuardianRole {};
Revokes the pending cap of the market defined by id
- Does not revert if there is no pending cap.
Name | Type | Description |
id | Id | The id of the market to revoke the pending cap. |
function revokePendingMarketRemoval(Id id) external onlyCuratorOrGuardianRole {};
Revokes the pending removal of the market defined by id
- Does not revert if there is no pending market removal.
Name | Type | Description |
id | Id | The id of the market to revoke the pending removal. |
Errors Codes
Below is a list of the different Errors that can be thrown when executing transactions on Morpho Vaults.
E.g: One can try to execute an action on Morpho Vaults' contracts, and get:
reverted with an unrecognized custom error (return data: 0x46fedb57)
According to the following tables, this is an error that emitted the AboveMaxTimelock() function.
Custom Error | Error Signature (returned data) |
AboveMaxTimelock() | 0x46fedb57 |
AlreadyPending() | 0x49b204ce |
AlreadySet() | 0xa741a045 |
AllCapsReached() | 0xded0652d |
BelowMinTimelock() | 0x342b27be |
DuplicateMarket(Id id) | 0x074e4d4b |
InconsistentAsset(Id id) | 0xf17887ec |
InconsistentReallocation() | 0x9e36b890 |
InvalidMarketRemovalNonZeroCap(Id id) | 0xd2575d1a |
InvalidMarketRemovalNonZeroSupply(Id id) | 0x6316104f |
InvalidMarketRemovalTimelockNotElapsed(Id id) | 0x813435c5 |
MarketNotCreated() | 0x96e13529 |
MarketNotEnabled(Id id) | 0x11b0e0ab |
MaxFeeExceeded() | 0xf4df6ae5 |
MaxQueueLengthExceeded() | 0x80f2f7ae |
NonZeroCap() | 0xc48e3172 |
NoPendingValue() | 0xe5f408a5 |
NotAllocatorRole() | 0xf7137c0f |
NotCuratorNorGuardianRole() | 0xd080fa31 |
NotCuratorRole() | 0xca899cec |
NotEnoughLiquidity() | 0x4323a555 |
NotGuardianRole() | 0xf9f2fc9a |
PendingCap(Id id) | 0x42288ef1 |
PendingRemoval() | 0x4bec0146 |
SupplyCapExceeded(Id id) | 0xd018394f |
TimelockNotElapsed() | 0x6677a596 |
UnauthorizedMarket(Id id) | 0x9cd14834 |
ZeroAddress() | 0x867915ab |
ZeroFeeRecipient() | 0xcff9f194 |