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The Morpho SDKs comprises a comprehensive suite of SDKs designed to facilitate interaction with the Morpho and Morpho Vaults ecosystems. These SDKs are organized into several categories to serve different development needs:

Core SDKs

  • blue-sdk - Framework-agnostic package that defines Morpho-related entity classes (such as Market, Token, Vault)
  • simulation-sdk - Framework-agnostic package that defines methods to simulate interactions on Morpho (such as Supply, Borrow) and Morpho Vaults (such as Deposit, Withdraw)
  • blue-api-sdk - GraphQL SDK that exports types from the API's GraphQL schema and a useful Apollo cache controller

Viem Integration

  • blue-sdk-viem - Viem-based augmentation of @morpho-org/blue-sdk that exports (and optionally injects) viem-based fetch methods
  • bundler-sdk-viem - Viem-based extension of @morpho-org/simulation-sdk that exports utilities to transform simple interactions on Morpho (such as Blue_Borrow) and Morpho Vaults (such as MetaMorpho_Deposit) into the required bundles (with ERC20 approvals, transfers, etc) to submit to the bundler onchain
  • liquidity-sdk-viem - Viem-based package that helps seamlessly calculate the liquidity available through the PublicAllocator
  • liquidation-sdk-viem - Viem-based package that provides utilities to build viem-based liquidation bots on Morpho and examples using Flashbots and Morpho's GraphQL API

Wagmi Integration

  • blue-sdk-wagmi - Wagmi-based package that exports Wagmi (React) hooks to fetch Morpho-related entities
  • simulation-sdk-wagmi - Wagmi-based extension of @morpho-org/simulation-sdk that exports Wagmi (React) hooks to fetch simulation states

Ethers Integration

  • blue-sdk-ethers - Ethers-based augmentation of @morpho-org/blue-sdk that exports (and optionally injects) ethers-based fetch methods
  • liquidity-sdk-ethers - Ethers-based package that helps seamlessly calculate the liquidity available through the PublicAllocator

Development Tools

  • morpho-ts - TypeScript package to handle all things time & format-related

Testing Utilities

  • test - Viem-based package that exports utilities to build Vitest & Playwright fixtures that spawn anvil forks as child processes
  • test-wagmi - Wagmi-based extension of @morpho-org/test that injects a test Wagmi config as a test fixture alongside viem's anvil client
  • morpho-test - Framework-agnostic extension of @morpho-org/blue-sdk that exports test fixtures useful for E2E tests on forks

How They Work Together

The Morpho Stack is designed with modularity in mind:

  1. Core Layer: The blue-sdk, simulation-sdk, and blue-api-sdk provide the foundation
  2. Integration Layer: Client-specific packages (Viem, Wagmi, Ethers) extend the core functionality
  3. Specialized Tools: Packages for specific needs (liquidations, bundling, liquidity)
  4. Testing Layer: Comprehensive testing utilities for different frameworks

For the latest updates and detailed documentation, visit the Morpho SDKs repository.