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Risk curation

Each Morpho Vault (formerly known as MetaMorpho) can be curated to reflect a different risk profile based on the goal and value proposition of the vault.

For example, a Morpho Vault dedicated to lending against Liquid Staking Tokens (LSTs) collateral(s) on Morpho (formerly known as Morpho Blue) would expose its users to a specific curated set of LSTs collateral assets. A user depositing this vault would not be exposed to any other collateral asset.

This differs from traditional lending platforms that do not offer the same flexibility. Users only have one choice: to be exposed to every asset listed in the pool. Risk curation offer users the ability to select a vault that aligns with their desired balance between risk and return and that reflects their individual risk appetite.


Timelocks preserve the noncustodial property of Morpho Vaults, ensuring users maintain control of the assets at any time and can withdraw them if they want to.

A timelock is a mechanism that introduces a delay or waiting period before certain functions or actions can be executed. This adds a layer of security, giving users of a Morpho Vault time to review and react to proposed changes.

All updates to the configurations of the vault that may primarily / significantly change the vault’s risk and return (e.g., enabling a market with a high LLTV or increasing the fee) are subject to a timelock of a minimum of 24 hours and a maximum of 2 weeks. This way, users can opt out of a Morpho Vault if the position's risk increases.

To inspect the timelock value, one can jump into the "Read Contract" section of any Morpho Vault, for instance here.