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How to earn governance power?

Either you have MORPHO, or someone is delegating their voting power to you.

How to earn/have some MORPHO tokens? Are they transferable?

The MORPHO token is not not transferable at the moment. You can earn tokens by using the protocols or contributing to them. More information in the documentation.

How does Morpho generate revenue?

Morpho Protocol such as Morpho (formerly known as Morpho Blue) and Morpho Optimizers are currently not generating any revenue. Morpho Vaults (formerly known as MetaMorpho) are currently generating revenue, for the owner of the vault, which is never Morpho Association nor Morpho Labs.

The ability to turn on protocol fees is present in Morpho's smart contracts but is not activated at the moment. Governance decisions can turn it on.

On Morpho, protocol fees may be collected at the market level, where a portion of the interest paid by borrowers can be taken as a fee.

On Morpho Optimizers, protocol fees, also called reserveFactor, include a cut of the improved P2P APY. It comes from the spread between the P2P APY and poolSupplyRate for suppliers or poolBorrowRate for borrowers. This fee will later be defined by governance. In this protocol fee only applies to P2P matches, meaning that Morpho Optimizers will not take any fee if you are not matched P2P, ensuring that you still get at least the same APY as if you were directly interacting with the underlying pool.

How to contribute to Morpho?

Morpho Labs is one of the core contributors to Morpho. If you are looking for a job, feel free to go to and check the available positions.

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